Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman

I LOVE this whole series-The Daughter's of Boston-and am dying to read the continuation of what happens to the rest of the O'Connors!!! I can't believe we have to wait until next summer to read Katie, Sean and Steven's stories...I want them now! Sigh. Anyhow, if you haven't already checked these books out, you're in for a real treat. Snuggle up in your favorite chair, grab some chocolate, (and maybe your comfy-est pjs) then prepare to spend all day reading because you won't be able to put these books down! They're super addicting like the creamiest chocolate but soul nourishing like a favorite comfort meal, and you'll fall in love with the whole family as if they were your own. You'll laugh, cry, swoon at the hunky men, giggle some more, and especially be moved by all the passion-both physical and spiritual. That's what I love the most is the passion, as the book titles already mention. There's real emotions going on-whether good, bad, ugly or anything in between.

Life is messy in general and being a Christian doesn't change that. If anything, I think it magnifies the struggle we all have between right and wrong, knowing what we should do but not always doing what we should. The pull to let our flesh take over can be so strong but as Julie reminds us in these books, we can make better choices, ones that honor God and honor the ones we love in the process. I think we need more of these kind of stories that shows life realistically but also filters it through the truth of God's word. Sugar coating problems, or overly "sanitizing" them for readers to "feel good" isn't going to help anyone grow in Christ so I find the honesty in these books refreshing and spiritually rejuvenating.

I've found the books that stick with me most and make a lasting impression are the ones that have something to say, that deal with issues I'm facing head on, and point me in the right direction. When I'm reading, I want to be thoroughly entertained but also replenished spiritually and these books do that perfectly. Thank you, Julie and please keep them coming! So anyhow, start reading and don't forget to start at the beginning with A Passion Most Pure and A Passion Redeemed. You won't regret it!

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